Quick commands

Usefull commands for node administration

Check node status

initiad status | jq

Query your wallet balance

initiad q bank balances $WALLET_NAME

Check logs

sudo journalctl -u initiad -f -o cat

Stop the node

sudo systemctl stop initiad

Restart the node

sudo systemctl restart initiad

Query height blocks syncing

local_height=$(initiad status | jq -r .sync_info.latest_block_height); network_height=$(curl -s https://rpc-initia-testnet.trusted-point.com/status | jq -r .result.sync_info.latest_block_height); blocks_left=$((network_height - local_height)); echo "Your node height: $local_height"; echo "Network height: $network_height"; echo "Blocks left: $blocks_left"

Query sync status

initiad status | jq -r .sync_info

Send tokens function

initiad tx bank send $WALLET_NAME <TO_WALLET> <AMOUNT>uinit --gas=2000000 --fees=300000uinit -y

Last updated